b'6th November09.0013.30: Field trip (including pack lunch)1. Catchment visit (Castledockrell): Data acquisition and analysis2.Catchment visit (Ballycanew): Agronomy and knowledge transfer3.Field visit: The Duncannon Blue Flag Farming and Communities Scheme4.Workshop (Whites hotel): The Catchment Challenge - an interactive workshop on balancing competing demands on land functions5.Johnstown Castle: gardens, museum and castle tourSession IV: Long-term in-situ monitoring and modelling of water quality13.3014.00: Adrian Collins [Rothamsted, UK]: Can the sediment pollution gap from intensive livestock farming be closed? Assessment using the North Wyke Farm Platform, UK14.0014.15: Russell Poole [Marine Inst, IE]: Quantifying components of the aquaticorganic carbon cycle of a humic lake: a case study from the Burrishoole catchment, Co. Mayo14.1514.30: Jrgen Windholf [Aarhus Univ, DK]: Monitoring pitfalls: Aquatic environment14.3014.45:Faruk Djodjic [SLU, SE]: Combining high-resolution spatially distributed models with export coefficients produced by field-scale process-oriented model14.4515.00: Phoebe Morton [AFBI, UK]: Understanding the hydrological dynamics ofacid herbicides in river catchments using high resolution data15.0015.15Yusheng Zhang [Rothamsted, UK]: Use of regulatory information and monitoring data to update pollutant loadings from Sewage Treatment Works across England at national scale15.1515.45: CoffeeSession V: Impact of multiple stressors on aquatic ecology15.4516.15: Mary Kelly-Quinn [UCD, IE] Multiple stressorsa challenge for freshwater assessment and impact mitigation16.1516.30:Katri Rankinen [Finnish Environ Inst, FI]: An integrated assessment framework for assessment of key ecosystem services and effect on aquatic ecology16.3016.45:Maria Snell [AFBI, UK]: Strong and recurring seasonality revealed within stream diatom assemblages16.4517.00: DairehUallachin [Teagasc, IE]: Cattle exclusion from watercourses:environmental implications17.0017.15:Karen ONeil [Teagasc, IE]: Catchments of conservation concern: Sediment flux and provenancePoster session:17.1519.15:All presenting authorsvii'