b'Session VII: Integrated management, stakeholder engagement and catchment economicsA new and integrated approach to catchment management in Ireland based on comprehensive stakeholder engagementCrockett J11Dairy Sustainability IrelandThis second River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) outlines the new approach that Ireland will take as it works to protect its rivers, lakes, estuaries and coastal waters over the next four years. This plan also benefits from a stronger and more integrated approach to public consultation and engagement. The plan has placed a major emphasis on establishing the right governance and delivery structures for an effective catchment-based approach. Clear priorities are set out, which will ensure that all stakeholders are working together with a strong focus on delivering positive outcomes. A key element of the plan has involved the establishment of a dedicated professional support structure aimed at achieving the objectives of the plan. There are a number of components;LAWPRO - the deployment of 43 local authority investigative assessment personnel, whowill work in Prioritised Areas for Action;ASSAP- a new collaborative Agricultural Sustainability and Support Advisory Programmebetween Government (delivered by Teagasc) and dairy processing Co-ops (as part of theDairy Sustainability Initiative) consisting of 30 Sustainability Advisors promoting agricultural best practice for water quality.The two groups of professionals work side by side in 190 priority action areas (PAA). The local authority catchment assessment teams carry out detailed investigations in each PAA focused on identifying the pressures on water quality. The also work with non-agricultural pressure owners to support them in resolving issues. The ASSAP advisors are working intensively with farmers in areas for action and assist them to reduce pressures identified in the catchment assessments.Achieving broad stakeholder support for the initiative has been challenging but has become one of the cornerstones of the rollout of the services and a key to delivery of individual andcommunity actions.34'