b'17Evaluating Scenarios for Achieving the Water FrameworkDirective Phosphorus Targets in Small CatchmentsAdams R1, Doody DG1, Jordan P2, Quinn PF3 and The Eden DTC Team41Agri-food & Biosciences Institute, Belfast UK2School of Geographical and Environmental Science, University of Ulster, Coleraine, UK3School of Engineering, Newcastle University, UK4Lancaster Environmental Centre, Lancaster University, UKUnder the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and its UK implementation programme (UKTAG), freshwaters are required to obtain Good chemical status in terms of phosphorus (P) as well as other nutrients. However, numerous catchments in the UK contain river reaches that fail to achieve this status. A modelling study in two sub-catchments will assess the reductions inP export required in order to improve their chemical status, where high temporal resolution bankside sampling has identified the fluctuations in P concentrations at the catchment outlet. The catchments are: (i) The Pow Burn, a 10.5 km2 sub-catchment of the River Eden, which was selected for the EdenDTC research project (http://www.edendtc.org.uk/). It contains numerous point sources within an intensively farmed landscape (mostly livestock) and was classified as Poor in terms of P for over 50% of the time in the last WFD assessment; (ii) a 5 km2sub-catchment of the Oona Water, a tributary of the Blackwater River in Northern Ireland.This catchment does not contain any significant settlements and point sources, and is almost entirely composed of pastoral farmland and was classified as having Moderate ecologicalstatus in the last two WFD assessments. The aim of this study is to identify if the targets of the WFD are achievable given the current high agricultural loadings of P in these catchments and determine whether alternative targets need to be considered. The CRAFT model will be used to model the P dynamics (concentrations and exports) under the existing land use in both catchment. By relating the concentration-duration curve outputs from the model to the concentrations of P that are required for good status to be achieved, the percentage reduction in nutrient export required can back-calculated. Several different scenarios of land use management and mitigation (e.g. improving ditches to function as sediment traps) will be investigated in both catchments using the CRAFT model.61'