b'NMP Online as a tool to support water quality improvement in IrelandPadraig Foley1, Pat Murphy1 1Teagasc, Johnstown Castle Environmental Research Centre, Co. Wexford, IrelandThe use of NMP Online as a decision support system with farmers in Ireland is focused onachieving three main objectives which are central to the development of a sustainable agri-food sector in Ireland. The objectives are:Improving soil fertility and crop nutrition to support improved crop/grass production Reducing nutrient losses to waterReducing gaseous emissions In the past the main impetus for preparing nutrient management plans has been to meetstatutory requirements arising from the Water Framework Directive, the Nitrates Directive and Agri-environmental schemes. However, the focus is shifting rapidly. Soil fertility has declined since the introduction of regulation. Improved understanding of the mobilisation and pathways of nutrients require a focus which is wider than just product and place to one which incorporates timing, soil type, awareness of critical source areas and an increased focus on farmyard and other point source losses. The requirement to reduce GHGs and Ammonia emissions require that nitrogen efficiency be improved and that particular emphasis is placed on technologies which can reduce emissions. The best nutrient management system in the world is of very little benefit unless it can overcome two other challenges. These are (a) to develop a system where the professional supportingfarmers can develop a plan for the farmer in the relatively limited time available and(b) to develop a system which can produce a plan for the farmer which can be implementedsubsequently. NMP online was first used to prepare plans in 2016 and since then plans have been prepared for over 60,000 Irish farms. Phased development over the next few years will focus on building on the ability to meet statutory requirements to an efficient system which can support thechallenging range of sustainability goals which farmers face.33'